Community Updates on COVID-19

Every day, CAIR scours the internet for you to find, share and highlight the day’s most important COVID-19 headlines

Just the Facts: COVID-19 News You Need To Know

April 9, 2020

By Robert S. McCaw, CAIR Director of Government Affairs Department

Every day, CAIR scours the internet for you to find, share and highlight the day’s most important COVID-19 headlines:

Religion: As attendance at houses of worship continues to decline because of the coronavirus outbreak participation in online services and programs grows.

Health & Science: Genetic testing shows most New York coronavirus cases came from Europe

Federal: The U.S. government’s stock of protective equipment nearly depleted

Congress: Lawmakers consider how to safely govern from afar

National Security: DHS is warning faith communities about an increase in online hate speech ahead of Passover and Easter

Unemployment: A record 16.6 million Americans have filed for unemployment insurance but many are still waiting for checks as states struggle to pay out stimulus funds

Banking: Many banks are having issues distributing coronavirus relief loans to businesses and nonprofits

Immigration: While President Trump quietly shuts down asylum at U.S. borders calls grow for migrants’ rights and health to be protected in the face of COVID-19

Those Who Do Good Deeds: