Community Updates on COVID-19

Practical Tips for Educating Your Child During COVID-19

No matter our individual schooling status, we have all found ourselves in completely new territory amid mass closures due to the current epidemic. Even seasoned home educators have had to make major adjustments in the absence of all the usual social outings, extracurriculars, and field trips. As one of those seasoned educators, I’d like to offer reassurance that even though it may not seem like it now, it will be okay. Children are incredibly resilient and Allah’s Mercy envelops all things. Although schooling in isolation will look vastly different from homeschooling, there are some relevant insights I have gained in

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4 Ways Your Business Can Use Social Media To Stay Afloat

The economic crisis sparked by COVID-19 poses a massive challenge for all businesses, but none more so than small businesses that lack a strategy to engage with their customers online. Indeed, twenty-four percent of small businesses don’t use social media platforms and those that do cite social media as the platform where they need the most help. Having a solid social media strategy to elevate your social presence is now essential for business survival both during the pandemic and long after the pandemic ends. Why? Social media success does not depend on how many followers a business has. Instead, it depends on customer engagement. If your

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