April 13, 2020
By Robert S. McCaw, CAIR Director of Government Affairs Department
Every day, CAIR scours the internet for you to find, share and highlight the day’s most important COVID-19 headlines:
Ramadan: How Muslims Will Celebrate Ramadan Under Quarantine? The rise of the Zoom iftar.
Islamophobia: Coronavirus anti-Muslim propaganda is seeping into online discourse about the coronavirus
White House: Following CNN interview where Fauci admits lives could have been saved if Trump took action in February – but his recommendation was ‘not taken’ – Trump shares tweet calling for Fauci to be fired
Hard Hitting: NY Times: Trump could have seen what was coming: behind Trump’s failure on the Viruv
When Will the Quarantine End? Fauci says ‘rolling reentry’ possible as soon as next month
Election: Democrats fear for November after Wisconsin voting spectacle
Fresh from the Market: Amazon puts new food delivery customers on a waitlist
From the States: Governors unsure how to get coronavirus supplies from Trump
From Palestine: In a state of lockdown the coronavirus gives the world a chance to feel what Gazans have always felt
From Around the World: Has Italy flattened its curve?
From Space: Aboard the International Space Station: ‘I think I will feel more isolated on Earth’